Jumaat, 8 April 2011


Selalu dimarahi...
selalu di tengking itu aku...

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Hati yang kau lukai!!!

Aku tahu siapa diri ku... x pernah dapat mengecapi kebahagiaan hakiki. Namun hati kecil ini sentiasa berharap untuk memiliki cinta yang luhur dari lelaki...salahnya aku kerana terlalu percayakan lelaki dan menyayangi mereka...salahnya aku kerana terlalu baik dan setia...salahnya aku kerana membiar diri diluka...aku insan yang telah banyak terluka akan sentiasa begini untuk selamanya.

Rabu, 14 April 2010

Hukuman Terhadap Pesalah Buang Bayi

Dewasa kini gejala membuang bayi semakin berleluasa. Perkara ini berlaku disebabkan kehamilan yang tidak diingini melalui hubungan seks rambang dan luar nikah. Akibat malu kerana mengandungkan anak luar nikah, maka individu ini akan membuat keputusan dengan membuang bayi mereka dengan pelbagai cara. Gejala ini amat devian kerana ia merupakan satu tindakan yang tidak berperikemanusiaan dan tidak boleh diterima dalam masyarakat kita. Ada antara bayi yang ditemui masih hidup dan ada yang sudah meninggal dunia dan hampir semua yang ditemui berada dalam keadaan yang amat menyedihkan. Seperti tiada kesedaran diri, bayi yang tidak berdosa terus menjadi mangsa keadaan.
Sehingga kini, banyak berita mengenai gejala pembuangan bayi dilaporkan di dada-dada akhbar dan media elektronik. Terbaru, seorang bayi lelaki ditemui mati di Sungai Kuantan, Pahang oleh seorang nelayan. Mayat bayi tersebut yang masih bertali pusat dipercayai baru sahaja dilahirkan. Perkara ini terjadi kerana individu tersebut ingin menutup kesalahan yang dilakukannya. Pada masa yang sama, individu tersebut ingin menjaga maruahnya daripada dipandang hina oleh masyarakat.
Hukuman yang setimpal patut dikenakan kepada individu yang tidak berperikemanusiaan ini. Rang Undang-undang jenayah Malaysia telah menyatakan bahawa sesiapa yang membuang bayi akan dijatuhkan hukuman penjara selama 20 tahun. Hakikatnya, walaupun undang-undang ini wujud, namun gejala buang bayi ini masih tetap berlaku dan semakin menjadi-jadi terutamanya dalam kalangan remaja masa kini.
Pada pandangan saya, hukuman yang ada tidak berkesan kerana ianya masih tidak dapat membendung gejala ini. Hukuman ini wujud, tetapi mereka tetap diberikan peluang untuk menebus kesalahan seperti selepas menjalani hukuman penjara, mereka dihantar ke pusat-pusat kaunseling dan pemulihan akhlak. Namun, perkara ini masih tidak dapat menyedarkan mereka kerana mereka menganggap hukuman ini remeh dan tidak ada apa-apa yang perlu ditakuti. Oleh itu, mereka masih berani melakukan perbuatan tersebut.
Hukuman ini patut ditambahkan lagi agar setimpal dengan perbuatan yang telah mereka lakukan. Contohnya seperti hukuman sebat dan mati. Hukuman ini perlu dilakukan bagi orang yang membunuh bayi tersebut iaitu ibu kepada bayi itu. Hal ini setimpal dengan perbuatan yang dilakukannya. Bagi sang lelaki yang menjadi punca segala jenayah buang bayi, mereka perlu dicari sehingga ke ‘lubang cacing’ dan dikenakan hukuman berat seperti sebat dan sebagaimana hukuman yang dikenakan terhadap perogol. Hukuman berat itu wajar, kerana tanpa perbuatan melakukan persetubuhan haram dan mengabaikan tanggungjawab setelah merosakkan anak gadis, maka bayi yang dilahirkan oleh teman wanita lelaki terbabit tidak akan dibiarkan mati.
Tambahan lagi, hukuman berat perlu dijalankan dalam konsep Islam, sebagai contoh kita boleh melihat negara–negara Islam seperti Arab Saudi yang mengamalkan hukuman berasaskan Islam iaitu hukum Hudud. Jenayah membuang bayi jarang didengari di negara tersebut. Oleh itu, masyarakat haruslah mempunyai pandangan alam yang berteraskan agama dan syariah. Dengan terlaksananya hukuman berat berasaskan Islam yang sebetulnya, maka gejala ini dapat dibendung dan masyarakat tidak akan berani melakukannya.
Masyarakat juga perlu memainkan peranan yang penting dalam menangani kes buang bayi ini. Misalnya, kerajaan boleh melaksanakan undang-undang terhadap remaja yang berdua-duaan di tempat yang kondusif untuk seks bebas. Selain itu, masyarakat perlu membantu kerajaan dalam melaksanakan agenda ini. Aktiviti yang mencurigakan perlu dibuat laporan kepada pihak yang bertanggungjawab untuk membanteras mereka yang terlibat. Individu itu sendiri juga harus sedar akan akibat dan kesan atas perbuatan terkutuk seperti itu. Individu itu juga perlu memikirkan akan penyebab yang membolehkan mereka terjebak dengan perkara yang negatif ini. Pengetahuan agama yang bersesuaian dan baik amat perlu di sini agar mereka sesekali tidak akan terlibat dalam gejala berkenaan. Dengan ilmu agama yang mencukupi, sudah pasti keadaan yang berlaku kini tidak berleluasa.

Kesimpulanya, Program pencegahan dan pemulihan perlu dilakukan secara terancang dan digerakkan dengan lebih efektif lagi. Semua pihak harus memainkan peranan mereka samada secara individu, keluarga mahupun masyarakat bahkan institusi yang ditubuhkan khusu, bersepakat dalam menangani masalah ini. Undang-undang masih mampu mencegah jenayah tetapi masyarakat perlu prihatin dengan keadaan sekeliling. Tidak kira apa pun status bayi tersebut, isu ini perlu dibendung. Pembuangan bayi adalah satu jenayah walaupun terjadi akibat kehamilan tidak diingini. Ramai remaja yang mengandung luar nikah terpaksa membuang bayi mereka kerana terdesak, malu dan takut akan akibat yang bakal ditanggung. Fikirlah, jika pada zaman jahiliah, mereka membunuh antara satu sama lain kerana khuatir anak mereka diperkosa atau berzina, maka pada masa jahiliah moden, anak dibunuh kerana ibunya sendiri diperkosa atau berzina.

Rabu, 7 April 2010

My Feature Story

Roses behind the scene

It’s comes from a variety of colours which are red, white, yellow, pink, lavender and orange. We can choose whatever colour that we like and give the thing to the special persons that we love. Its can presenting a meaning through the colour and it’s also can give a meaning through the number. Yes the number of roses that you get or give. The things that I mean are roses. The meaning of roses, the colour of roses, and the number of roses each has got their meaning. Do you know that 11 roses represent "You are my treasured one, the one I love most in my life" whereas 15 roses represent "I am truly sorry, please forgive me"? Now isn't that a total twist of the meaning for the roses you gave? What had meant to be a message of love has just turned into a message of apology; implying you was guilty of something? Before you try to impress that someone with that bouquet of roses, make sure you know the meaning behind it, the meaning of roses: what the number of roses represent. Those are the meaning of roses colours represent:

- Red

Sincere Love & Respect, Courage & Passion

Send red roses to convey the message of your passionate love for that someone; saying "I love you"

- Pink

Grace and Gentility, the rose of sweet thoughts.

Send deep pink roses to show your appreciation & gratitude; saying "Thank you" Send light pink roses to convey admiration and sympathy

- Yellow

In the Victorian times, yellow roses meant jealousy. But today, they signify friendship, joy, gladness and freedom, the promise of a new beginning.

Send yellow roses to brighten up someone's day; to congratulate your friends and loved ones during Joyous occasions.

- White

Spiritual love & Purity, the rose of confession, the bridal rose; "You are heavenly", "I am worthy of you"

Commonly used as traditional bridal bouquet during weddings to symbolize a happy love. You can nevertheless use them to convey the message of "You are heavenly, I miss you"

- Lavender

Love at first sight and enchantment

Send lavender roses of course, to convey the message of your "love at first sight" with that special someone. You can nevertheless also send them if you would like to make a special impression.

- Orange

Passionate desire, pure enthusiasm and fascination

An excellent choice for a new relationship that you wish to pursue further. It can nevertheless also be referring to a new business partnership.

Next are the numbers of roses representing the meaning of your will? Let me show you the meaning...

- 1 Rose

Love at the first sight; you are the one

- 2 Roses

Mutual love between both, deeply in love with one another

- 3 Roses

I love you

- 6 Roses

I want to be yours

- 7 Roses

I'm infatuated with you

- 9 Roses

An Eternal love, together as long as we live

- 10 Roses

You are perfect

- 11 Roses

You are my treasured one; the one I love most in my life

- 12 Roses

Be my steady

- 13 Roses

Secret Admirer

- 15 Roses

I am truly sorry, please forgive me

- 20 Roses

Believe me, I am sincere towards you

- 21 Roses

I am devoted to you

- 24 Roses

Can't stop thinking about you, 24 hours everyday

- 33 Roses

Saying "I love you" with great affection

- 36 Roses

I will remember our romantic moments

- 40 Roses

My love for you is genuine

- 50 Roses

Regret less love, this is

- 99 Roses

I will love you for as long as I live

- 100 Roses

Harmoniously together in a century; remaining devoted as couple till ripe-old age

- 101 Roses

You are my one and only love

- 108 Roses

Please marry me!

- 365 Roses

Can't stop thinking about you, each and everyday

- 999 Roses

Everlasting and Eternal love

So, did I make you clear about the true meaning of roses? If you understand it you won’t go wrong to make choices.

“Do you know why I gave you a bouquet of 11 red roses, my dearest dear?? Cause you are my treasured one, the one I love almost in my life”

How sweet if I as a girl can hear the phrase from the one I love. Soo...?? Think it yourself, do you want the girl more impressed with you or not??

Roses are significantly always be used in any occasions. Whatever the occasions, the roses through the combinations of colours are used to show the feeling and expressions of the people at that time. It is more meaningful if the roses are come a long with the wishing cards. May be we cannot understands the meaning behind the roses but the cards can present and delivering our messages to the person who receive it. So why not send some roses to your love ones today? It might not seem much an effort on your side but think about it, wouldn’t they be thrilled and surprised to receive a bouquet of roses say, in the middle of a boring day at work?

Rabu, 17 Mac 2010

Why I love Levi’s®?

Why I love Levi’s®?

The Levi’s® feel so good, so nice and very important is very comfortable and suitable for me to wear it at anytime, anywhere that I like. It always makes me so confidents and full of energy burst out of my soul.

I am happy go lucky girl. Always smile and laugh. Make me happy always, so cheerful and confident beyond anyone. Feel so young and energetic. That what I feeling about me. So, for me, Levi’s® jeans is the best thing I have wear in my life.

As you all know, Levi’s® is the most popular brands in the world especially in Malaysia. Lot of people love to wear this jeans. They use jeans as their daily clothes everyday including myself. I love to wear it everyday , when I went out hanging around, or stay at home, my choice dressed up must be jeans, Levi’s® brand of course. It will be my top priority brand.

Created in 1873, Levi’s® jeans are the original, authentic jeans. They are the most successful, widely recognized and often imitated clothing products in the history of apparel. Over successive generations, Levi’s® jeans have captured the attention, imagination and loyalty of diverse individuals including me.

As the inventor of this category, the Levi’s® brand continues to define jeans wear with the widest range of products available, from quintessential classics such as the famous Levi’s 501® original jean that one of my favorite jeans, to favorite fits and styles in the Red Tab and premium collections.

Levi’s® creator has a long history. Founded in 1853 by Bavarian immigrant Levi Strauss, Levi Strauss & Co. is one of the world's largest brand-name apparel marketers with sales in more than 110 countries. There is no other company with a comparable global presence in the jeans and casual pants markets. Their market-leading apparel products are sold under the Levi's®, Dockers® and Levi Strauss Signature® brands.

In Levi Strauss & Co. have a good social responsibility. Their social awareness and corporate responsibility are deeply woven into the fabric of Levi’s jeans. Since 1983, it has been the common thread that ties them to the global community. Their corporate citizenship is grounded in four core values such as Empathy, that mean walking in other people’s shoes, Originality, being authentic and innovative, Integrity, that doing something right, and Courage, means that standing up for what they believe. They also continued their role as a corporate citizen through responsibility supply chain policies and initiatives that uphold worker’s rights, involvement in HIV/ AIDS awareness and prevention, nurturing a diverse and inclusive workplace, and community involvement that contributes to positive social change.

Levi Strauss & Co. is privately held by descendants of the family of Levi Strauss. Shares of company stock are not publicly traded. Shares of Levi Strauss Japan K.K., their Japanese affiliate, are publicly traded in Japan.

For me, these brands so awesome and marvelous to teenager like me and my friends. People will look at me while I dress up with jeans and shirt. So cool and feminine. I can do lot of activities even though I wearing jeans because it so comfortable and tough enough for heavy duties or extreme activities. I like it. I has 4 pairs of Levi’s ® jeans. The cost for each jean took RM 150.00. I will save my lunch money just want to but my favorite’s jeans. It took me one month to achieve it. It hard but I love it. I love my jeans, especially Levi’s brand. Lot of my friends wears jeans to class. The brand that they always used is Levi’s. It shows that Levi’s brand is popular that other brand in market right now. Event my lectures always talk about it. They love it. So do I.

Rabu, 3 Februari 2010

From the inside =)

Beauty but skin deep: everyone could possibly know the definition of being beautiful not only in the outside but also within the inside. However, I can reasonably agree that not all people realise the importance of being beautiful and kind. When Miss Hamimda Agil gave me the task of writing about myself, I kept thinking what are my best quality that I could brag (I know it's not a good word though) about to people. This post is actually giving me the opportunity to evaluate myself and convince other people that I have the ability to write the most informative (I wish) blog that i could think of.

Yes, I could say that I write with my conscience and maybe some experiences but I also referred to other well known blogger's blogs so that I don't write something that could be identify as myth or that would affect my credibility. I will do my research from any sources before I write something just to make sure that my blog is also the place for people to find information on the web. That is why I included links for people to other informative sources. Such as Mahathir's blog, Kenny Chia's blog and so on. I also put links to other blog that provide tips in buying online products such as Kaki Shoping's blog that provide information on how to become a smartshopper and also give review about other online Shopping's blog. This will eventually avoid the readers and other online shoppers to be victim of online shopping.

My blog could be easily accessible and I will make sure to update my informations that being post. My blog title reflects my principle that love should be the integral element in our life as Myamor could be defined as my love in Mexico.

I am glad that I am a broadcast student, so I could write informations on broadcasting even though I don't have in depth knowledge about broadcasting. I could give people the basic idea about broadcasting in a way that could be understandable by other people. For an example I can post about on how a filmmaker make videoclip, how to handle a talkshow or other big event ( since my friends and I already handle an event of Pelancaran Buku Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah UiTM that have been launched by our ex-Vice Cansellor Tan Sri Dato' Sri Prof. Dr Ibrahim Abu Shah) and other knowledge about broadcasting. Well I can say that broadcasting do bring various of knowledge because since I'm in semester 1, I have learned various of subject relating to broadcasting.

Lastly, I do hope this blog will meet your needs of informations of various knowledge to you reads. Thank you for reading. Sorry for any mistakes that arise from this post. That's it for now. Assalamualaikum.